简介: Leo, a trans man, and his cis and straight friend, Eleanor, go away for an impromptu weekend trip, during which they uncover old secrets, new challenges, and find the answer to the age-old question: can bad sex and good friends mix?
Leo, a trans man, and his cis and straight friend, Eleanor, go away for an impromptu weekend trip, during which they uncover old secrets, new challenges, and find the answer to the age-old question: can bad sex and good friends mix?展开
亚历山大衰到家:公路旅行(台)/亚历山大和他最糟糕的公路之旅/亚历山大和他最糟糕的一天/Alexander and the Terrible/ Horrible/ No Good/ Very Bad Day/亚历山大和他最糟糕的旅程/Alexander/and/the/Terrible/ Horrible/ No Good/ Very Bad Road Trip/